Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Courses for Employees

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is designed for individuals already in their roles to increase their knowledge and skills. It helps employees plan their career development and evaluate their progress. Many professions place a high value on CPD. It's important to invest in your employees' professional development to keep them up-to-date.

PD Courses

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses are designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of employees. They help to assess their progress and plan their career development. Many professions require employees to take CPD courses at least once a year. These courses help employees to keep pace with changes in their industries and improve their skills.


The cost of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses for employees varies. The PS&T contract provides money for training courses, grants, and reimbursement of licensure exam fees. Each year, the PEF and State form a joint professional development committee to determine the training needs of PEF members. In addition, PEF and State consult with one another when developing the list of approved trainings. Once the list has been established, employees may apply for reimbursement for up to two credit-bearing courses per calendar year. In most cases, the reimbursement is received only after the course has been completed.

The Graduate and Continuing Education program provides opportunities for professional development. These programs support instruction and career advancement, and eliminate out-of-pocket expenses for employees. These courses are offered online, in hybrid, and face-to-face formats. The registration period for Spring 2023 CPD courses will open in December 2022, and the course catalog will be available online. Interested employees must complete the Non-HCPSS CPD Registration Form.


Companies that invest in PD courses for employees reap benefits for both the company and the employees. These benefits include improved productivity, improved handling of challenges, and increased employee motivation. A study conducted by LinkedIn found that 94% of respondents would stay with a company that invested in employee learning. By providing these learning opportunities, companies can encourage employees to think outside the box and improve their performance.


Continuing professional development is a systematic process of strengthening staff knowledge, retention and application. This process can be conducted in a variety of settings and can benefit employees in a number of ways. There are many different types of professional development events available, including workshops, trainings and information sessions. Some of these PD events are designed to impart specific knowledge and skills, while others focus more on raising awareness.